Edged Lumber

Lumber with carefully trimmed edges and no bark. Edge board is successfully used in various fields of use, ranging from joinery and household work to large construction works.

Finger-jointing blank

Spliced ​​products consist of cut off lamellas, glued on 4 sides. The length of the lamellas varies from 200 to 500 mm, the thickness is from 25 to 50 mm, and the width is from 45 mm. It is made from lamella trimmings that are not suitable for solid lamellas. The spliced ​​furniture board is not homogeneous and resembles parquet. The more it is glued, the stronger the product is. This rule is proved in the spliced ​​version as well. It is stronger and more flexible in comparison with a solid product. And furniture manufactured this way costs less.


The lamella length ranges from 270 to 470 mm, the thickness is 29 mm, and the width is from 76 mm.

Furniture facades

Wooden furniture facades are considered to be safe and environmentally friendly materials. While processing, neither toxic nor poisonous substances are used. What`s more, they will never cease to be in demand. Despite a radical change in fashion standards, wood tends to be classics. It will always be used in any interior, regardless the color.


An edged board is a board cut from a log and trimmed from the logs without retaining bark at the side edges. Its standard thickness is as follows: 30 mm and 54 mm, and the width is usually twice the thickness of the board.


A wooden bar is a sawn timber with a thickness of 50 mm or more, with a rectangular or square cross-section. The ratio of width to thickness may vary.

Timber is made from saw logs and can serve as a ready-to-use construction unit (construction of walls and frames) or an element for manufacturing beams, trusses, support posts, decking, crates, and other load-bearing and enclosing structures in low-rise building of residential and public buildings.